MM Hills sanctuary all set to become a tiger reserve

:MM Hills Wildlifesanctuary is inching closer to become a tiger reserve. Following necessary approval from both the Centre and (NTCA) in July, which was delayed due to the pandemic, now forest department sources claim the State Government may notify the wildlife sanctuary as a tiger reserve anytime soon.

As a formal notification from the state government is needed to get more funds for protection of tigers as well as for conservation, to avoid poaching and man animal conflict in the tiger reserve, the forest department is expecting the notification from the state government soon. The state board for wildlife has approved the proposal.

The sactuary is spread over 90,618.75 hectares with a core of 670.95 sq km and a buffer zone of 235.19 sq km. Becoming a tiger reserve will help the forest department get an additional Rs 25 crore to Rs 30 crore annually which can be used to mitigate man animal conflict, set up anti-poaching camps and install more camera traps.