Mizoram CM Zoramthanga to present state budget on February 24

Mizoramchief ministerZoramthangawould present the statebudgetfor 2022-23 on February 24 with the assemblysessionscheduled to commence from February 22, Houseofficialssaid.

The assembly’s (BAC), chaired by speaker Lalrinliana Sailo, on Tuesday chalked out the programme for the upcoming budget session summoned by governor Hari Babu Kambhampati from February 22. The committee decided that Zoramthanga, who also holds the finance portfolio, would present the state budget on February 24, which would be passed by the assembly before March 10. This would be the fourth time that Zoramthanga would present the budget during the present assembly term for which Elections were held in 2018. The budget session would begin with the governor delivering his customary address on the first day and, unless extended by the BAC, would be adjourned sine die on March 10.