Minimum 71L jabs per day a must for eco recovery: CII

Indias economic recovery hinges on an accelerated vaccination with at least 71.2 lakh individuals being vaccinated on a daily basis, said Confederation of Indian (CII) on Thursday as it urged the government to put in place a multi-pronged strategy to stimulate economic Growth.

Vaccination is a key factor that will aid Indias recovery and the Centre needs to increasevaccineproduction in order to ensure that a majority of the countrys Population is vaccinated by December end.

Indias GDP growth rate for 2021-22 could touch 9.5% if public expenditure, reforms and vaccination are accelerated, said CII president T V Narendran in an online media interaction.

CII has suggested a range of measures to speed up the vaccination drive.

It estimates that an Average of about 71 lakh daily vaccinations are required between June to December to administer at least a single dose to all adults in the country. CII has also recommended that an empowered minister of vaccination needs to be appointed to accelerate the vaccination programme, Procurement and Distribution of Vaccines to states.