Maharashtra tourism announces ‘Tourism Dindi’

For the first timeMaharashtraTourism will be officially participating in the state’s religious extravaganza – the PandharpurWaripilgrimage procession by announcing its own Tourism Dindi along with it.

Wari, one of the most important festivals in Maharashtra is a beautiful and colourful sight to be witnessed. The journey, which spans three weeks on Average and is traditionally undertaken entirely on foot, is a way for the Warkaris to affirm their faith and remember their saint-poets Saint and Saint Tukaram.
An important feature of this festival is the Ringan ritual, a race between two horses. One has a rider while the other is left without one and it is concluded that the horse without a rider customarily wins the race for it is believed to be ridden by the saint himself. Ringan is performed in Malshiras, Velapur and Wakhri.