Maharashtra: Just one textbook for Std I from June in state schools

The stateschool Educationdepartment will introduce a single textbook formula from 2022-23 onwards to reduce the weight ofschool bagscarried by students every day.
This will be introduced in Std I and will be implemented for all primary classes later. The four subjects taught in Std I,English,Marathi,mathsand play and learn, have been integrated into a single textbook per four semesters. Hence, instead of carrying all four subject textbooks, the student needs to carry only the integrated textbook, part 1, 2, 3 or 4, as per the semester.

Gosavi said that from the academic year 2022-23, the integrated bilingual textbook would be rolled out for Std I students in the entire state. This will then be done for Std II and so on. We will also incorporate the changes as per the New Education Policy, whenever it is implemented. We have received excellent feedback from teachers using this textbook. The integrated activities are also loved by the students, he added.