Madhya Pradesh assembly without deputy Speaker for 2 years

TheMadhya Pradesh assemblyhas been without a deputy Speaker for two years, and the issue is back in focus in the run-up to the budget session, which starts on March 7.

Heena Likhiram Kavre was the last deputy Speaker ofVidhan SabhawhenCongresswas in power till March 2020.BJPreturned to power after that, and the post remains vacant.

A deputy Speaker not only presides over the House sessions in the absence of the Speaker, but also heads important committees and works as coordinator between media gallery advisory committee and legislators and even heads the committee for revision of pay and allowances for MLAs. The Speaker has power to delegate the job to other senior MLAs in absence of deputy Speaker

As per the MP assembly tradition, set in the 1990s, the Speaker is appointed by the ruling party while the deputy Speaker post is given to the opposition. However, with 109 MLAs, BJP wanted to show its strength in the House in 2019 and asked for an election for the Speakers post.