Lost on support, Andhra Pradesh fares poorly in startup ranking 21

Andhra Pradeshhas almost ended in the bottom in the states startup ranking-2021 released by the Union Government on Monday. At least 15 major states are ahead of Andhra Pradesh in category A, which contains states having a Population of more than one crore.

Bihar and Andhra Pradesh have been identified as states having emerging startup ecosystem in category A with these two states placing themselves in the bottom of the list. Gujarat andKarnatakahave emerged as the best performers.

As per the state-specific report available with ToI, Andhra Pradesh has been evaluated across seven reform areas that have a significant contribution towards propelling the startup ecosystem.

Andhra Pradesh has shown active participation in the capacity building of enablers area in these rankings. However, it has mostly lost on incubation support, funding support, mentorship support and access to market.

According to experts, Andhra Pradesh may need to create a better Network of incubators, mentors, and funding agencies to encourage the youth with innovative ideas and to convert them into commercial enterprises. Migration of some startups to other metro cities is also a challenge for the state.