Launch of DISC 5.0 – Defence Ministry

Rajnath Singh (DEFENCE Minister) launched Defence India Startup Challenge (DISC) 5.0 beneath (iDEX-DIO) – Innovations for Defence Excellence Defence Innovation Organisation initiative, on 19th August 2021, in New Delhi.


The Defence Ministry has earmarked Rs 1,000 crore for Home procurement via the iDEX initiative for the monetary year 2021-2022. The Defence Production Department, Ministry of Defence has accepted budgetary support of Rs. 498.80 crore for iDEX for the subsequent five years from 2021-22 till 2025-26.

Defence India Startup Challenge is a platform wherein the Government, Services, think tanks, , startups and innovators can work collectively to help the defence & aerospace sectors attain full workability with the aid of developing a strong, cutting-edge & well-equipped military and equally capable & self-reliant defence industry.