Language row created to divert attention from government failures: Former Jharkhand CM Babulal Marandi

Former chief minister BabulalMarandi claimed that the language row has been created by the government just to hide its failures in complying with the promises it made to the people for coming to power.

Replying to a query on 1932 khatiyan (land records) based domicile policy, Marandi said that as Jharkhands first chief minister, he had enacted the domicile policy as notified by the Bihar government in 1982 and the Raghubar Das government of BJP implemented a cut-off date of 1985 to set the dispute over local residents to rest. But the JMM-led government wants to reformulate the domicile policy once again.

While theJMMlegislators are crying hoarse to implement the 1932 khatiyan-based local policy, the CM said in the House that the government is studying the matter. Actually the government itself is confused and it is yet to come out with a clear cut policy, he claimed.