Land-swap deal of Assam & Meghalaya hits satra wall

For the ruling BJP inAssam, safeguarding the Vaishnavite satras (monasteries) and namghars (prayer halls) was the prime agenda in 2021 assembly polls, where it registered a thumping win.

Many Vaishnav-inhabited areas voted decisively in favour of the saffron coalition in an election, which was a battle of two civilizations for the BJP to resist the one represented by migrant Muslims. Eight months after the poll results, as Assam andMeghalayagovernments finalised a land-swap agreement to settle the decades-long border land disputes, it is the Vaishnavite satras in the fringe villages under West Guwahati constituency that have opposed handing over of Assam lands where their disciples prevented Meghalayas alleged Christian aggression by

firmly upholding the Vashnavite culture propagated by the satra and namghars.