Current Affairs Exam

Land conversion: Kerala govt earns Rs 447 crore

In the last one year, the government earned Rs 447 crore throughland conversionin the state, revenue ministerK Rajansaid in the assembly.

As per the details of the settlement of land, there were 30 lakhs acre ofpaddy landin the state. In 1970, the extent was 20 lakh acre and when the area of paddy land was assessed 14 years ago, the extent had reduced to 5 lakh acre.

The minister said that to address environmental issues and the reduction in area of farming land, the government had to introduce the act against conversion of paddy land and wetland in 2008. As per provisions of the act, while the conversion of wetland has been completely banned, paddy land can be filled only for construction of houses and for public purposes. Families that have no land other than paddy land are allowed to fill paddy land up to 10 cents in panchayat areas and up to five cents in areas to construct houses, subject to conditions.

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