Khattar govt to bring Haryana Sikh Gurdwaras (Management) Amendment Ordinance-2022

In yet another move towards implementation of Supreme Court orders of Having Haryanas own management committee to manage the Gurudrwara affairs, the Haryana cabinet gave a go ahead to the procedure to be followed for the further course of action.

To start with Haryana will bring an ordinance for constituting the 41 member ad hoc committee to manage the affairs of Haryana Sikh Gurudrwara Management Committee (HSGMC) affairs and to complete the formalities of taking over the gurudwaras.

The Haryana Sikh Gurdwaras (Management) Act, 2004 was enacted by the State of Haryana vide notification dated July 14, 2014 with the objective to provide better autonomous management and effective supervision of Sikh Gurdwaras and Gurdwara properties in the State.