Kerala: Wayanad model mooted for Kottayam

After undertaking a detailedlandslidesusceptibility study inWayanaddistrict following the devastating landslides which struck the district in 2018-19 and putting in place a first-of-its kind localized rainfall monitoring and weather forecasting system in the district, the Hume Centre for ECOLOGY and Wildlife Biology (HCEWB) along withKeralaSastra Sahitya Parishad and other stake holders are planning to take up a similar exercise at the landslide-hit areas inKottayamdistrict.

Experts from the Wayanad-based HCEWB who attended the virtual meeting gave an overview of the localized rainfall monitoring and weather forecasting system developed in association with Cusat for Wayanad. Also, the Centre along with KSSP had mapped landslide-prone locations in Wayanad with public participation after the massive landslide incidents in 2018-19.