Kerala: Maintenance alone to cost Rs 5,420 crore for first 10 years

The maintenance cost of the proposedSilverLine semi high-speed railcorridor project for the first 10 years alone will run up to Rs 5,420 crore, indicating the huge liability it brings on the state.
According to the executive summary of its detailed project report (DPR), the project is estimated to cost Rs 63,940.67 crore, of which Rs 33,626.97 crore is expenditure excluding land cost. It says the maintenance cost will go up to Rs 694 crore/year after 10 years while salaries and benefits to employees are estimated at Rs 271 crore/year.

The project has led to a major showdown between the government and opposition, with both sides sticking to their stands and deciding to directly present their arguments to people. There were reports of opposition to the project even within theLDF.