Kerala: Groundwater level shows falling trend

Theerraticbehaviour of twomonsoonsin 2020 has affected thegroundwater levelsin the state. According to a report by the state groundwater department, 80% of themonitoring wellsshowed afalling trendin November 2020 compared to the previous year.

The report points out that 81 % of observation dug wells, 84 % of bore wells and 72% of tube wells recorded a falling trend compared to the previous year which had recorded a slight rise in levels.

The report is based on the monthly recordings of selected wells in the state. The main recordings were conducted during the pre-monsoon period in April and the post-monsoon period in November.

While on paper, the state did not record high monsoon deficiency, it did not see the trend of heavy rains in June and July. Moreover, the rains tapered off off in August and September.