Kerala: First in Asias Global Start-up Ecosystem Report

Asias Global Start-up Ecosystem Report was recently released on June 14, 2022, in the Light of London Tech Week 2022.

In the report, start-up ecosystem in Kerala has been ranked at first position in Asia.

Kerala has also been ranked at fourth position, in terms of Affordable Talent.

The report recognises creative steps taken by Kerala Start-up Mission (KSUM) to position it as a start-up power house.

This ranking will help Kerala in building a strong Network of start-ups that will play a key role in its Growth.

The GSER was released to bring together global governments, inspirational start-up founders, investors and corporate leaders, to discuss the power of technology for societies. This year, ranking has been decided jointly by policy advisory and research organization Start-up Genome and Global Network. The first ever GSER was published in 2020. In 2020, Kerala was ranked at 5thposition in Asia while 20thin World.