Karnatakas electric vehicle hub dream yet to become reality

:Karnatakawas one of the pioneers in the country to launch an electric vehicle (EV) policy in 2017, but failed to capitalise on the momentum and catch up with states like Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat.

Considered the future of the automobile Industry, almost all states are now looking for ways to attract Investment in the sector. But having had a poor track record with at least two major EV automobile companies one Indian and the other international Karnataka is struggling to revive its investor-friendly image.

Industry department sources said the government has been making amends by way of reformulating and redrawing laws which will help industries come to Karnataka.

The government is looking to set up an EV hub in four revenue divisions one each in Dharwad, Kalaburagi, Mysuru, andTumakurudistricts.