Karnataka: Panel to decide on profit share for sugarcane farmers

In a step to fulfil a long pending demand of sugarcane growers, the state on Thursday set up a committee of technical experts who will work out a formula to share profits mills make from sugarcane byproducts with farmers.

The decision was taken at a meeting of mill owners and farmers chaired by sugar ministerShankar Patil Munenakopp. The committee headed by the sugar commissioner has been asked to submit its report in five days.

The panel will ascertain revenue generated from byproducts like ethanol and biogas and decide on a share for farmers. It will be paid every year. It will be over and above the fixed by the Centre. The government has taken a proactive step, but the committee must submit its report in five days or else we will resume our agitation, saidKuruburu Shanthakumar, president,Karnataka State Sugarcane Growers Association.

Farmers have been on a day-night strike for the past week, demanding Rs 3,500 per quintal of cane as opposed to theFRPof Rs 3,050 announced by the Centre. The minister said that the government has decided to set up a call centre to address issues of sugarcane growers.