Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommais maiden budget looks to double GSDP by 2025

Chief minister BasavarajBommaihas set an ambitious target of doubling the statesGSDP(gross state domestic product) from the present Rs 17 lakh crore to Rs 34 lakh crore by 2025. He is likely to propose new policies to that effect in his maiden budget to be presented in March.

Experts, while seeing the potential in the states economy, have warned the government that the target cannot be achieved unless the chief minister brings much-needed reforms in terms of revenue mobilisation, Growth-oriented policies and plugging loopholes in the administration.

Prasad said the government is looking at policies to improve the contribution of all three sectors Services, manufacturing and Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture to the GSDP. The focus is on the service sector and plans are afoot to ensure its contribution is enhanced from 54% to 66% in three years, he added.