Karnataka: Cashew cultivation to be encouraged in Dharwad district

Having found the climactic conditions inDharwaddistrict to be conducive to the cultivation of cashew, the Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development (DCCD), a central agency, is collaborating with the Regional Horticultural Research and Extension Centre (RHREC) in Kumbhapur to encourage more farmers to undertake cultivation of cashew across the district.

Head of horticultural extension Education unit at RHREC in Kumbhapur Prof Laxman Kukanoor said that the staff had organised seminars for farmers.

In Goa, it is used to make fenny. There are 3,900 seed processing units across the country, but those dedicated to processing cashew apples are few. Cashew apple is rich in Vitamin C. It has five times more content ofVitamin Cthan a lemon, and can be used to make jam.