Kalyana Ktaka monument replicas are displayed at new Parliament bldg

The replicas of rare monuments related toSamratAshok, which were found in Kalaburagi, Raichur and Koppal districts in the KalyanaKarnatakaregion, are displayed at the newly constructed Parliament building in New Delhi. Prime MinisterNarendra Modihad on Sunday inaugurated the new monument.

The huge display dedicated to the king includes the only depiction of Samrat Ashok along with his wife and two children found at Sannati in Kalaburagi district. Only edicts, emblems and pillars of Ashok have been found elsewhere in the country.

The second replica is a stone script by Samrat Ashok written in Brahmi that was found at Maski town in Raichur district. The third one is an ancient map of India with a mention of Koppal and Maski.
It is said that the display aims to introduce the upcoming generation to the great legacy of Ashok.