Jharkhand: Bokaro steel achieves 100% utilisation of its solid waste

BSL achieved 100% utilisation of its solid wastes such as slag, scrap and other by products in the ongoing financial year. The Psu management claimed BSL was the only one among all subsidiaries of SAIL to achieve the feat.

The feat came to Light at the BSL’s workshop titled “Environmental Management in Industries: With Special Reference to Circular economy“, which was held recently. The two-day workshop was jointly organised by the BSL’s Department of Environment and Human Resources in association with the Association of Recycling and Environment Industries (REIAI).

The BSL officials also said that apart from this, BSL has achieved 30.95% reduction in particulate matter emissions and 19.85% reduction in specific waste discharge during the last three financial years. BSL has taken various initiatives for environment and resource conservation including installation of Rain Water Harvesting system, implementation of zero liquid discharge at various shops including CRM-3 and 100% utilisation of waste material.