International Childhood Cancer Day: 15 February

Every year, 15 February is observed as International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) to boost awareness about the evil that entails this issue and, therefore, how to affect an equivalent.

Every year, 15 February is observed as International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) to boost awareness about the evil that entails this issue and, therefore, how to affect an equivalent.

The day may be a global collaborative campaign to boost awareness about childhood cancer and precise support for youngsters and adolescents with cancer, survivors, and families.

The most common childhood cancers include leukemias, brain cancer, lymphomas, solid tumors, like neuroblastoma, Wilms’, and bone tumors.

The day promotes increased appreciation and deeper understanding of issues and challenges relevant to childhood cancer and impacting children/adolescents with cancer, the survivors, their families, and therefore society.