Integrated complex to boost silk industry

In a major boost to the world famous silk of Varanasi, the silk exchange will be developed as Integrated Silk Complex in the city for the benefit of the weavers and other stakeholders. The complex is being developed at the cost of Rs. 8 crore under the One District One Product (ODOP) scheme.

The gap between demand and supply in the silk industry tells the prospects of this sector. From farming to reeling and selling, there are huge possibilities in this sector. This is why the government is working in every field for the betterment of the silk industry by keeping the integrated silk exchange at the centre of activities.

According to him, with the establishment of Integrated Silk Complex, weavers will get freedom from middlemen.

The existing silk exchange, established in 2010-2011 in about one acre of land, consists of an administrative building, auction hall, store and meeting hall. Apart from this, state-of-the-art labs for testing the purity of threads, stalls for the sale of finished goods will also be available in the silk exchange. These will be given on rent to the weavers.