Info panel imposed fines in just 6% cases

Penalties have been imposed in only 6% of the total cases disposed of by Rajasthans Information Commission (IC) from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, findings of a report on the performance ofInformation Commissions(IC) in India, 2021-22, revealed.

It also stated that there is a backlog of 13,188 appeals and complaints in Rajasthans Information Commission. SatarkNagrik Sangathanhas compiled a report on the performance of information commissions across the country based on information accessed under the RTI Act.

Analysis of the figures for 24 ICs (which provided information on both the number of cases disposed and the number of cases where penalty was imposed) shows that penalty was imposed in just 3% of the cases disposed of by ICs, the report stated.