Industrial Relation Rules Approved By Assam

The Assam cabinet enacted the “Industrial Relation Rules, 2021” on November 4, 2021, with the goal of protecting the rights of companies and employees.


The purpose of the Industrial Relation Rules is to combine, simplify, and rationalize the rules of three core labor codes that deal with industrial relations.

The Cabinet also authorized the “Assam Migrant Workers’ Scheme,” which will offer dry rations to migrant workers.

Data about migrant workers accessible on the e-SHRAM portal and other Resources will be used to distribute rations to them under this plan.

deputy commissioners of Kamrup (Metro) and Kamrup (Rural) have also been authorized by the Assam cabinet to provide authorization to transfer land in Protected Areas or blocks without the State Government‘s previous approval.

Mission Basundhara

This platform, dubbed “Mission Bashundhara,” was also created by the state government.

Conversion of allotment certificate to periodic patta was added as a service on this webpage.

Within three years of allotment, the Cabinet approved the conversion of allotment certificates to periodic patta in rural regions.

The state government has determined that special seats in the state’s medical and dental colleges will be proportionately allocated between two areas for students from the tea garden community in the Brahmaputra and Barak valleys.