India’s defence ministry signs 10 contracts worth Rs 5,498 cr with Bharat Electronics

The Ministry of DEFENCE (MoD) has signed 10 contracts totalling Rs 5,498 crore with state-owned aerospace and defence electronics companyBharat ElectronicsLimited (Bel) for Indian armed forces, the Psu said in a regulatory filing to the .

For Indian Air Force, a contract was signed to supply 90 units of Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite Equipment for Medium Lift Helicopter.

For the Indian Army, contracts for Automated Air Defence Control and Reporting System (Project Akashteer) and Instant Fire Detection and Supressing System IFDSS for T 72 were signed.

Further, forIndian Navy, contracts for Software Defined Radio (1,265 units), HDVLF HF Receiver(1,178 units), and Sarang (12 units), were signed.