Current Affairs Exam

Indian economy- an exclusive part of global development: Experts

The recent conference of economy experts discussed the different views about Indian economy. They said that, in terms of GDP by Purchase Power Parity (PPP), India holds 3rd rank with $8.9 trillion. To reduce absolute POVERTY, the Government of India launched various schemes at the mass level and during the period 2011-15, and as a result,90 million people were lifted out of extreme poverty.

India’s domestic economy has acted as Oxygen for the rapidly weakening global economy due to the covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. Due to India’s specific , trade and financial integration Bonds between the world, India has been strengthened, Now India is developing into a world leader, and the last decade has been very positive in terms of statistical and economic planning.But the biggest challenge for the Indian economy is to sustain this Growth for a long time, and the Covid-19 pandemic has also affected the economy badly.

The government of India has taken vital initiatives to revive the economy rapidly, and these steps are showing results; India has become a hub of generic drugs, vaccinations and medical devices and has also become a helping hand to those countries who are helpless in the midst of the pandemic period.

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