India-France: Roadmap on Blue Economy and Ocean Governance

India and France recently agreed on a Roadmap on Blue economy and Ocean Governance.

Both the countries agreed on this roadmap with the aim of contributing scientific knowledge and ocean conservation.

They seek to ensure that the ocean remains a global common, on the basis of .

This agreement was signed during three-day visit of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to France.Scope of the roadmap will encompass maritime trade, naval Industry, marine technology, Fisheries, scientific research, marine eco-tourism, inland waterways, integrated coastal management, and cooperation between competent administrations on civil maritime issues.

Both the countries have planned to organise an annual bilateral dialogue on blue economy and ocean governance for exchanging views on their priorities, support ongoing & future cooperation and share their best practices.

India and France seek to make blue economy a driver of progress in their respective societies, apart from respecting Environment and coastal & marine Biodiversity. They noted that, fisheries are a vital economic sector, playing a decisive role in Food Security and livelihood security, specifically for coastal populations. According to them, demographic, economic & societal factors have resulted into increased global demand for marine products and increasing Stress on global fish stocks. Both the countries will make blue economy a priority in development of their economic exchanges.