India Drops in Open Defecation – Wash Report

According to a new report from the Wash Institute (a non-profit organization based in Nadu), in absolute terms, India is the cause of the biggest drop in open defecation since 2015.
Open Defecation is the practise of defecating in fields or other open spaces rather than using a toilet. It puts Women at risk of physical assault and endangers children’s Health (vulnerability to diseases & Infection)


By 2016, open defecation had decreased in all Indian states, with the greatest reductions in Himachal Pradesh and Haryana.
Sub-Saharan Africa has made slow progress in combating open defecation.
The global Population with access to safely managed drinking water at Home increased from 70% to 74% between 2016 and 2020.
People faced difficulties in maintaining hygiene, particularly during the Covid-19.
Due to a lack of Resources“>Water Resources, three out of every ten people around the world were unable to wash their hands with soap and water at home during the Covid-19 pandemic.