India 101 Rank In Global Hunger Index

The Global Hunger Index 2021 was released on 14 October, and India is 101 rank in the Index with an alarming hunger level.


The Global Hunger Index is published by an Irish aid agency called Concern Worldwide and a German organisation called Welt Hunger Hilfe.

India has been placed in the 101st position out of 116 countries, while in 2020, it was in the 94th position.

The GHI Score of India is 28.8 27.5 between 2012 and 2021, decreased from 38.8 in 2000.

India has improved concerning indicators like under-5 mortality rate, the prevalence of undernourishment and prevalence of stunting among children.

GHI is a means to measure and track hunger across the world, by region and country.

It is calculated yearly, and its results are published in a report issued in October.

GHI score is calculated based on four-pointers,


Child wasting (share of children under five who are wasted, i.e., those with low weight for their height.

Child stunting (children aged under five who have low height for their age.

Child mortality (mortality rate of children aged under five).