In Madhya Pradesh, the public will now be able to file an e-FIR on the Citizen Portal sitting at home. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said this while dedicating the Citizen Portal at a ceremony organised on the occasion of 20 years of Jan Kalyan and Suraj yesterday. He said that new efforts are being made daily by the government to provide facilities to the citizens. Innovations are being implemented. By establishing good governance, coordinated efforts are going on to make the life of the common man smooth and easy.

Optional facility of registering FIR in the form of e-FIR has been provided to the common men by the Citizen Portal. With this, everyone can file an e-FIR in relation to the incident to the concerned Police station online. e-FIR can be registered by citizens by registering themselves on Madhya Pradesh Police website or citizen portal only by logging in with registered ID.

After the registration of FIR on the said e-FIR application, the applicant will continue to receive the updated status of various stages of his FIR through SMS and e-mail. With the dedication of the Citizen Portal, the aggrieved person will be able to file a complaint online through e-FIR in cases of vehicle theft up to 15 lakh or general theft up to one lakh. The common person will get the facility of Aadhaar e-sign through this. Aadhar e-signed acknowledgment will be available through online e-mail and SMS.

Through the citizen portal, the aggrieved person will be able to get the current status of the e-FIR.

The facility of Madhya Pradesh Police Mobile App has also been provided in the state. Through this app, electronic acknowledgment of missing documents and missing mobile information, facility of sending SMS to relatives and Dial-100 in times of crisis, facility to search information of missing person or unidentified dead body has been provided.