In Goa, boys exit secondary school twice as much as girls

At 12.1, the dropout rate for boys at Class IX and X level in Goa remained high for yet another year, as per data released by the Union Education ministry recently. The dropout rate for boys was more than double that for girls, which was 5.5%, according to the statistics compiled under the unified district information system for education (UDISE) for 2021-22.
Goa’s dropout rate for girls was much better than the national Average of 12.3, while the state’s rate for boys was only slightly better than the average of 13 nationally.

Till Class VIII, students benefit from the no-detention policy under the Right to Education Act. However, post that, in Class IX and X, the repetition rate in Goa was 1.9 for boys and 1.2 for girls, which was higher than the national average of 1.1 for both boys and girls.