Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Wednesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi will dedicate developmental projects worth Rs 11,279 crore to the people of the State in Mandi on December 27 on the occasion of completion of four years of the tenure of the present .
Thakur inaugurated the Eat Right Mela at the Dhalpur ground in District Kullu today and addressing the public meeting, he said that the Prime Minister would address a massive public meeting at Mandi on December 27. He said the PM would dedicate 111 MW capacity Sawra-Kuddu Hydro Electric Project to the people of the state at a cost of Rs. 2082 crore and would alsolay foundation stone of 148 meter high Renuka ji dam to be built on Giri river at a cost of Rs 6,700 crore.
The Chief Minister said the Prime Minister would lay the foundation stone of 210 MW Luhri Stage-I Hydro Electric Project of Rs.1811 crore in District Shimla and Kullu and 66 MW Dhaulasiddh Hydro Power Project to be constructed with an expenditure of Rs.688 crore. He said that this is the first time in the HISTORY of the State that development projects worth Rs. 11,279 crore are being dedicated to the people of Himachal Pradesh by any Prime Minister.