Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh and Rajasthan are offering the best elderly care, reveals the first national Quality of Life for Elderly Index that assesses preparedness of states/UTs for the challenges posed by the ageing Indian population.

Rajasthan with the score of 54.61 leads the rankings in the aged category; Himachal (61.04) is the top ranker in the relatively aged states category with Uttarakhand and Haryana bagging the second and third spots and Punjab eighth.

Among UTs, Chandigarh is the leader with a score of 61.81. It also leads India on the income security for elderly pillar with the highest score of 61.54 as against the national Average of just 33.03. Himachal and Haryana are among better performers on income security with scores of 55.70 and 49.56. Most states finished below the national average on this parameter.

On social well-being, Himachal is among the top four performers with Meghalaya, and Mizoram. The index, prepared by the Institute for Competitiveness, maps the states/UTs on four pillars of elderly well-being financial, social, Health and income security.

The rankings have been published in four categories aged states (elderly Population more than 5 million), relatively aged states (elderly population below 5 million), UTs and northeastern states.

Nationally, the health system pillar of the elderly has the highest score of 66.97, followed by 62.34 in the social wellbeing category.