The will write to the Union Ministry of Environment and Forest to exclude grasslands and pastures in the lower areas of Himachal, including Kangra, Una and Hamirpur districts, from the Classification of forestland, said Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture Minister Chander Kumar.
He said, In lower areas of Himachal, all grasslands and pastures have been classified as forestland. It has become impossible for farmers to take their cattle to these pastures for grazing. The government will write to the Union Ministry of Environment and Forest to exclude pastures in villages from the classification of forestland.
Chander Kumar said that the government would also consider procuring goat milk from Gaddi shepherds at a later stage. However, for the time being, the government was planning to procure the cow and buffalo milk, he added.
The Palampur agriculture university has developed a chip that will be installed on all cattle in the state. This chip will carry the entire information about the owners of the cattle. After the installation of chips on all milch animals, the government will start penalising farmers who abandon their cattle.