Current Affairs Exam

Haryana to establish Automated Testing Stations to reduce pollution

Haryana Government is establishing six Automated Testing Stations (ATS) in the state which will help to reduce Air Pollution and improve the overall sustainability of transportation, Chief Secretary, Sanjeev Kaushal said in a meeting to review the enforcement of the ban on 10/15 years old vehicles and the mandatory use of Smog Guns.

Kaushal directed the Deputy Commissioners of Faridabad and Gurugram to assess the gap of anti-smog guns and submit its report with on one month. Besides this, the officers concerned of Gurugram and Faridabad must ensure that all construction and demolition projects must deploy and ensure frequent and effective use of adequate number of anti-smog guns, in proportion of the total area of construction for the project as at least 1 for a total construction area between 5000-10000 sqm, at least 2 for a total construction area between 10001 – 15000 sqm, at least 3 for a total construction area between 15001 – 20000 sqm and at least 4 for a total construction area above 20,000 sqm.

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