Haryana Police 1st in Pragati Dashboard

Haryanapolice continues to maintain its first rank in thePragati Dashboard, a monthly assessment conducted by the ministry of Home affairs (MHA) and the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) for all states and Union Territories. In a recent development, the Police department has introduced a new feature where First Information Report (FIR) status updates are sent to complainants via SMS in Hindi. The messages also include a link to download the FIR.

This information was given during a meeting of the State Apex Committee for the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS), chaired by chief secretarySanjeev Kaushal. TheCCTNSHaryana project aims to enhance citizen-friendliness, promote transparency in police operations, and improve the delivery of citizen-centric Services through the effective use of information and Communication technology.