Haryana govt approves purchase of 200 acre land for AIIMS in Rewari

The Haryana government has approved the purchase of 200 acre of land for the Aiims to be constructed in Rewari, as well as the purchase of land for seven other projects.

The approval was given in the meeting of the High Power Land Purchase Committee to buy the land available on e-Bhoomi portal for nine projects.

This approval was given after the landowners agreed on the price.

The approval for the purchase of land for these seven projects cleared the way for the bypass in Hathin.

This will help Hathin to get rid of traffic congestion. Not only this, it will also speed up the development of Hathin.

Apart from this, the landowners also agreed on the price for the construction of a Water Treatment Plant at Rajound in Kaithal district, after which the land was approved to be purchased for the plant.

The purchase of land required to construct a four-lane road from Kalanaur to Kail in Yamunanagar district was approved.

Land was also approved for the bridge to be constructed between Bibipur to Chanalheri, Pihowa in Kurukshetra district and between Rania and Kuttabharh in Sirsa district.

Approval has been granted to purchase land for 580 meter approach road forUnani Medical Collegein Akera village of Nuh district.