Current Affairs Exam

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said that the State is swiftly moving towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals 2030.

The Chief Minister while speaking during a workshop organized by Swarna Jayanti Haryana Institute for Fiscal Management (SJHIFM) said that since 2015. through the SDG Index development priorities have been set for every state under which they are given 17 goals to achieve desired targets. Haryana is swiftly walking on this pace and all the parameters fixed for achieving SDG goals 2030 are being implemented in a phased manner in the State, he said.

On this occasion, he also released Haryana Goals Index 2020-21 and Haryana Provisional SDG District Index 2021 and congratulated the Finance Department and SJHIFM for their efforts in this regard. He further encouraged the Institute and all link departments to work in close coordination for the release of the subsequent edition as well.

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