Guv inaugurates Natural Farming & Plantation campaign

On World Environment Day, on Monday, the state level campaign of ‘Natural Farming and Planting’ was inaugurated by Governor C.P Radhakrishnan at Arogya Bhawan Ranchi. In the programme IIM Director Deepak Kumar Srivastava, CCL Director Personnel Harshit Mishra, Vice Chancellor of Shri Sai Nath University Dr. S.P. Aggarwal, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University Vice Chancellor Tapan Kumar Shandilya, Vikas Bharati President Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Vice President Dr. S.N. Munda, Former Vice-Chancellor, Shyama Prasad Mookerjee University, President of Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Ranchi, Vikas Kumar Singh, Chamber of Commerce, Kishor Minister, Vikas Bharti Bishunpur and Jan Shikshan Sansthan-Vikas Bharti, Ranchi, workers, trainers and a large number of trainees were present.

The program started with the and was duly inaugurated by the guests by pouring water on the Tulsi plant. Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, President of the organization and Dr. Ranjana Kumar Chaudhary, Vice President, welcomed the Governor withAngavastram. Joint Secretary of the organization Mahendra Bhagat presented Tulsi plant to the guests on the stage.

The Governor said on the occasion that everyone should avoid the use of plastic. Our environment is being polluted by the use of plastic. Whenever we go to the market, we carry bags, do not use plastic. We should not be ashamed of carrying bags or utensils, should always be conscious towards Health and environment. He said that the good works of any institution should be appreciated. People doing good work are being continuously encouraged by the Prime Minister.