Gujarat: PLL to invest Rs 1,700 crore to build third jetty at Dahej

Petronet LNG Ltd, which meets about 40% of the countrys total gas demand from its terminal atDahej, is planning to invest Rs 1,700 crore to build a third jetty, said sources close to the development.

With this project, the company aims to undergo diversification as it has chalked out plans to import liquidethaneand propane at the third jetty. Ethane is feedstock for the manufacturing of petrochemicals and is used to produce plastics, while propane is used as cooking gas and for Home and water heating..

It will also act as a risk mitigation measure in case existing berths are unable to operate for an extended period or to cater to the anticipated number of ships at a time, the report states.
PLL is also planning to import and unload liquid ethane and propane at the third berth through carriers of parcel size of 1 lakh cubic metres.

It is expected that 1.25 MTPA ethane will be handled initially and expandable to 2.5 MTPA in the future, as per the report.