Gujarat has third-highest ratio of vehicles per family

Gujarats major cities are staring at a bleak, bumper-to-bumper ride in a proximate future. Reason, eachGujarathousehold owns more than twovehicles an Average 2.25 vehicle per household which is the third highest after Goas 4.41 vehicles per household and Delhis 3.62 vehicles per household.

The National Road Transport Yearbook 2019-2020 of the Union ministry of road transport and highways (MoRTH) reveals that as on March 31, 2021, the state has 2.75 crore registered vehicles. One of the major reasons, say experts, is poor public transport system in cities. Less bus frequency in a big number of villages and the culture of multi-tasking in Gujarat which prompts people to buy their own vehicle instead of depending on public transport.

Gujarat along with Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Nadu account for nearly 49% of the total vehicles registered in India. Maharashtra has the highest share of 12% followed by UP (11.1%), Tamil Nadu (10.2%), Gujarat (8.5%) and Karnataka (7.2%).