Current Affairs Exam

Gujarat govt expected to register 13% GSDP growth

Although the recently formed a high-level task force under former Union finance secretary Hasmukh Adhia, to prepare an action plan for corrective action to enhanceGujarats economic contribution to achieve PM Narendra Modis aim of a $5 trillion Indian economy by 2024, the statesGSDP(gross state domestic product) will have to increase its Growth rate by 25% per year.

To match this share towards the country reaching a $5trillion economy, Gujarat will have to achieve GSDP of Rs 27. 5 lakh crore from the present GSDP of Rs 16. 5 lakh crore in two years. According to budget estimates, GSDP for 2021-22 has been Rs 18. 7 lakh crore, for 22-23 it will have to be Rs 21. 3 lakh crore and Rs 24. 1 lakh crore for 23-24.

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