Govt likely to pass 5 to 8 bills in assembly session

The has set the target to pass five to eight bills in the last assembly session starting from July 14. Sources confirmed that bills, includingMahatma GandhiMinimum Guaranteed Income Bill, Gig Workers (Registration & Welfare) Bill, Marwar Medical University Bill, and Jobner Veterinary University, are set tosailthrough the assembly.
An amendment is also likely in theRajasthanPublic Examination (Measures for Prevention of Unfair Means in Recruitment) Bill, 2022, to make punishment harsher.

The Rajasthan Transparency and Social Accountability Bill (RTSAB), being pressed for by the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan for the last 10 years, is likely to miss the last session of the assembly. Sources confirmed that objections to the bill raised by the bureaucrats have not been resolved.

The fate of the bills uploaded on the assembly web portal, like the Rajasthan Advocates Protection Bill, Rajasthan Universities Teachers (absorption of temporary teachers) Bill, Rajasthan Control of Organised Crime Bill, Rajasthan Municipalities Amendment Bill, and Rajasthan Prisons Bill, is not known as yet.