Goas R-day tableau to feature heritage symbols, culture, Iffi

The cultural treasures of Goa depictingsymbolsof Goanheritage, Fort Aguada, the martyrs memorial at Azad Maidan,Iffi, the Shigmo festival and Kunbi folk dance will be featured on thetableauto be paraded at theRepublicDay celebration at New Delhi. The tableau has been designed by Ponda-based artist Sushant Khedekar.
This year, the Union ministry of DEFENCE has selected tableaux of 12 states and eight tableaux of various departments for the parade. The other states which will present their tableaux are Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Accompanying the Goan tableau will be 18 traditional performing artistes from various parts of the state.