Goan film Kaajro receives national award

TheGoanfilm Kaajro (Bitter Tree) won a National Award at the 67th https://exam.pscnotes.com/national-film-Awards“>National Film Awards. M Venkaiah Naidu, Honourable Vice President of India handed over the national award to Shri Rajesh Pednekar, Creative Producer of the Konkani filmKaajroat the award ceremony held atRashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

Kaajro, the film which is directed byNitin Bhaskarspeaks about the class and caste discrimination practiced in Society globally cutting across international boundaries. It is produced by de Goan Studio which is co-founded by Gayatri andRajesh R. Pednekar. This is their second feature film which has won a national award. The first film K Sera Sera (2016) also won a National award.

The film premiered in the Indian Panorama Section at the 47th IFFI (International Film Festival of India) at Goa and at several film festivals in India and internationally.