Goa government hopes to store solar power for use in peak hours

In a bid to address the fluctuation inpowersupply duringpeakload periods, the is exploring RENEWABLE ENERGY storage technology, which will release power generated viasolarplants back into the states power gridduringpeak hours. The state electricity department is working with Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to see if such a project can augment power supply particularly for the industries, said power minister Nilesh Cabral.

GCCI, which organised the virtual meeting, requested Cabral to focus on adequate, reliable, affordable and consistent power supply in the state.

The tourism sector is heavily dependant on quality power for operation, production, utilities and recreational facilities. Interruptions, fluctuations and power drops create a total disruption in this sector. Thus hoteliers are forced to depend on diesel Generator sets, which are expensive to run.