GIS based property tax system keeps tabs on evasion

Geographic Information System (GIS) based property tax system is fast catching up with of India, helping in generating high revenues and keep a tab on tax thefts, said, RaviRanjan Guru, deputy director General, All India Institute of Local Self- Government (AIILSG).
AIILSG is consulting the government of India and urban local bodies on adopting practices for good local Governance and technology adoption.

GIS based Property system is being adopted in the country very fast across urban bodies and this is helping governments to earn high revenues. GIS based systems are used in making the master plans of cities. So technology is being adapted by civic bodies but the pace and awareness needs to be more.

AIILSG in collaboration with theMadhya Pradeshgovernment is training officials and elected public representatives on urban governance. In India, AIILSG is working with 150 urban local bodies directly and indirectly.