Gaps in network, convenient tubewell supply key hurdles

Punjab governments effort to save groundwater by makingfarmersquit tubewell-based irrigation in favour of canal water is marred by gaps in the existing network of irrigation lines. Besides, the farmers reliance on the convenient use of tubewells makes them reluctant to switch over. Canal water usage has picked up in some areas where underground pipes have been laid, instead of temporary concrete irrigation lines.

Despite concerns over depleting groundwater, figures of canal-based irrigation in Malwa region, where there is a sizable network of canals, are not too encouraging. Only 21% water of Bhakra Main Line (BML) canal, 31% of Ghaggar branch and 45% Patiala feeder are being used for irrigation purposes by farmers.

A state-wide drive is underway to restore water courses which had been abandoned or demolished in the past two decades. Concrete and temporary irrigation lines constructed for supplying water to fields from the canal get damaged over time.